
Active Solicitations

Please note: If you have obtained a copy of a solicitation from a source other than the Housing Authority of New Orleans, please provide us with your contact information for our source list.

Click here to submit a quote or proposal. This submission method is only acceptable in response to a Request for Quotes (RFQU) or Request for Proposals (RFP). A response to an invitation for Bids (IFB) cannot be submitted here.

Type & Number Solicitation Open Date Close Date
RFQ-24-911-30 On-Call Architectural and Engineering Services for Agency Wide Housing Communities and Scattered Sites 6/17/2024 7/17/2024
IFB 24-912-29 Replace HVAC System at the Florida and Fischer III Housing Communities 5/29/2024 7/2/2024
IFB 24-913-28 On-Call Agency Wide Moving Services 5/28/2024 6/14/2024
IFB-24-912-27 Removal and Replacement of Heaters at Guste III 5/28/2024 7/2/2024